With fall coming gently into focus, there are plenty of opportunities here in Carrboro to dip your toes into a bit of meditation mindfulness practice. Whether its group meditation, meditation through poetry, or a walking meditation, here are three local spots worth a visit:
Won Buddhism Meditation Temple off Old NC 86

The Won Buddhism Meditation Temple offers free in-person meditation services for the community and encourages meditation-curious visitors to join in their practice. For someone just learning how to meditate, the guided experience provides a welcoming atmosphere while teaching valuable fundamentals you can take with you anywhere. If you are experiencing emotional turmoil, meditating in a group can be a very comforting and potent remedy to isolation.
SATURDAY MEDITATION 10:00 – 11:15 AM: This hybrid program includes several types of meditation practice, such as qigong movement, silent sitting for about 30 minutes, sutra chanting, prayer, and lying down meditation. Plan to arrive by 9:50.
TUESDAY EVENING MEDITATION 7:30 – 8:30 pm: We gather on Tuesday evening in person and via Zoom. This practice includes stretching, sitting, lying down, and chanting. Enjoy the soft chi energy of the evening which supports our meditation in silence and peace.
SUNDAY DHARMA 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM: Join us as we cultivate equanimity and wisdom through qigong, silent sitting, chanting, and a dharma talk. Children’s meditation (6 yrs and over) is offered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
2. Stone Knoll in Calavander off Old 86

In this field, just outside of Carrboro in Calavander, immense slabs of stone emblazoned with art and evocative poetry encircle you in a labrynth beneath a giant oak. It's a peaceful setting surrounded by working fields and open skies. Taking the time to mindfully stand beneath each stone and take in the poetry, such as on the eastern slab, featuring Maya Angelou's "On the Pulse of Morning", settles the mind and evokes thoughtful contemplation.
Find Stone Knoll in the field north of 228 John’s Woods Road, Chapel Hill.Â
As you drive down John's Wood Road, you'll see Stone Knoll to your right just up a sloping field. Find a place to park along the side of the road and take the path up towards Stone Knoll. It's a public space for all to visit.
228 John’s Woods Road, Chapel Hill
3. The Carolina North Forest in Carrboro

An hour in the woods is the Carolina North Forest is a wonderfully meditative journey for anyone looking to practice walking meditation in Carrboro. It's a world away from the business of daily life. There are myriad routes to take, but I like the 2 mile - 45 minute walk - of the Lowlands Loop. If you want something a bit longer - say 4 miles - the Nature Observation Trail is another easy option. Both interact with the Bolin Creek and the overhead tree cover keeps it nice and cool.
To access the Nature Observation Trail just park at the intersection of Rockgarden Road and Cobblestone Drive in Carrboro. You will see the entrance to the forest, and along the path you will see the Nature Observation Trailhead to your left. For the Lowlands Loop, continue past the Nature Observation Trail and cross the Bolin Creek until you reach the gravel path. Cross the gravel path and in front of you on the upslope you will see the Lowlands Loop Trailhead.
Search Google Maps for 134 Cobblestone Drive, which is a house locate at the entrance of the forest.
Madigan Kent is a Carrboro, NC based Somatic Psychotherapist specializing in nervous system regulation, internal parts integration, and mindful embodied. Her practice is located in Carrboro at 310 E. Main Street, Carrboro, NC 27510 and her website is www.madigankent.com.